Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Building the Greenhouse - COMPLETE!

YAY! The greenhouse is finally complete. It took us 6 weeks to build the structure, (mind you we had a myriad of other projects to work on during that time). It was recommended that it would require 3-5 people to build this structure. Pffft, all you need is two Gavigans :) We are overwhelmingly proud, and in awe of ourselves. And as a bonus, our marriage is still intact lol (all you couples out there who've worked on large projects together know what Im talking about! lol). This is by far, the biggest structure we've built to date. And we did a dam fine job :)

Now comes the finishing work. Installing our 60ft propagation table, leveling out the site around the structure, tilling & cover cropping the greenhouse beds for planting late summer, and moving in all our greenhouse supplies & equipment.

As well, our first transplants went out into the field this week. Leeks, Shallots, Onions, and Squashes. It was a pleasure working with the new silty, sandy, loamy soil. So light and fluffy. Such a contrast to the hard, clay majority soil we have been working with the last several years.

We're almost to the point where the farm infrastructure will be complete, the wash station and storage facilities will be built, and we can just focus on farming and preparing for markets this fall. We're really happy with how everything has been working out, the farm is really coming together nicely.

More updates to come so stay tuned :)

Trinity Valley Drilling installing our high tech pump in the farm well

Finishing off installing the end wall struts and foundation posts

Installing the end wall struts

Nev's happy to finally be putting up the fans. Yay!

Installing the last fan
Installing the plastic on the east end wall
Installing the plastic on the west end wall
It was quite a feat to install the main plastic sheet with only two people, but we did it!
Plastic and roll-up sides are on! Yay! The greenhouse structure is complete (finally!)

Planting potatoes (Red Chieftain and German Butter)

A panoramic of the fields (facing east)

We popped out to Yarrow Ecovillage last week for a visit and to pickup our cooler. Which made it safe and sound to our new farm in Lumby.

My mom and sis helped me layout and transplant all the winter squashes last week. Thanks gals!

Transplanting the winter squashes

1 comment:

  1. For such a large greenhouse, that will really need a lot of time to build compare to the regular greenhouses found on private houses. Of course, all the hard work will pay off because of how useful the greenhouse is during harsh weather condition. Thanks for sharing your experience in building the greenhouse!

    Refugia Stein @ Container Domes
